Sunday, February 16, 2020

Importance of Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Importance of Theory - Research Paper Example This paper will explore Nightingale’s theory which is based on systems, interactions and development, and to relate it to the nursing practice today. On a given day nurses utilize several nursing theories. Nursing theories are basic concepts that define the nursing practice and attempts to describe and explain what and why nurses do what they do (nursing). Nursing theory is important in differentiating nursing from other disciplines as its main purpose is to describe, explain, predict, and control desired nursing practice outcomes. These theories applied daily by nurses are guidance to how a nurse gives treatment to a patient, how nurses perform their tasks, complete their assessments, and establish interventions. By studying nursing theory, students are able to start thinking critically. For example, nursing theory can be termed as the foundation of good nursing and clinical practice. Even when building a house the foundation is the most important; a strong foundation means a long lasting house. Similarly when the foundation is cracked, the structure (nursing practice) is weakened. Therefore, having a good comprehension of the n ursing theories from the nursing education level topped up with intuition and compassion makes a strong nurse. Nursing theory is the foundation of nursing research which in return develops the nursing practice. It is essential in health care advancement, which allows patients to get the best possible nursing care. As medicine is trying to make a more multidisciplinary approach to health care, nursing has to aim at establishing a exceptional body of knowledge. For example, nurses are gradually increasing their practice scope by performing tasks that were previously carried out by doctors. It is therefore important for theory to define the position of nurses and their roles (Colley, 2003). By giving them this sense of identity,

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