Sunday, December 15, 2019

Personal training Free Essays

Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal training or any similar topic only for you Order Now But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don’t wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting. Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises. These vary, depending on his or her client’s level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals. This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client’s fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your body need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off. But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don’t do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition. The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Trainers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts. That’s usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States). During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesiology as his profession. â€Å"It was simple† Priestley replied. â€Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,† Priestley explained. â€Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing. I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. † Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. â€Å"l wasn’t Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,† Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, and later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It’s a cool feeling, I couldn’t be happier with what I’m doing† Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that â€Å"as long as you’re doing omething you love, it doesn’t really matter what you do to get there. But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. † Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying â€Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit. In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. † Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master’s degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree gets me more business which is awesome! † Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I le arned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice. How to cite Personal training, Papers Personal training Free Essays Personal training in fitness is an individualized approach to the provision of services that aim at improving the health and fitness of the participants or rather the clients (Subhan, White, Kane1987). Fitness needs are varied just like the individuals requiring these services. A personal fitness trainer provides training services to the clients according to individual requirements and conditions. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal training or any similar topic only for you Order Now He/She acts as a consultant, giving advise according to his/her assessment on the individual’s needs and health conditions. The programs are all designed to fit into different schedules and timetables. A personal trainer gives services on a one-to-one basis and helps the trainee to achieve his/her set goals, which may include: †¢ Weight loss. †¢ Bodybuilding. †¢ Improving on physical appearance †¢ Preparations for sporting events. According to( ), personal training is valuable tool for those who desire fitness coaching and inspiration for goal achievement. Personal trainers can be found in various settings such as health clubs, gyms, and spas as well as in luxury yatches and cruise ships. Gyms are very common in all kinds of establishments such as hotels, learning institutions and member clubs. Personal trainers are gaining popularity due to an increased awareness levels on the need to remain fit as well as health education programmes offered in the learning institutions which serve to enlighten the citizenry on health matters and their physical well-being. As a result, many are interested in joining health programmes and training therefore contributing to the popularity of personal training as a profession. In the US to practice as a personal trainer requires a certification. A personal trainer may also offer allied services such as: †¢ Testing for fitness Assessing clients’ lifestyle †¢ Training partners †¢ Helping clients to set goals as well as design appropriate programs †¢ Advising on nutritional requirements †¢ Assessing on clients progress. There are several benefits associated with the profession, such as having the unique opportunity to achieve and sustain personal fitness (Carey, Mason1996). As one helps others to keep fit, he/she will also be involved in the same activities hence he/she will keep fit in the process. It also helps the personal trainer to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a result of working out consistently and routinely. Being a personal trainer also ensures that one engages in constructive activity when free and avoids idleness (Sherman, 1994). One is exposed to information and techniques of increasing performance in different areas such as endurance, strength, flexibility and so on. When one is involved in these constant activities, maintenance of vigor and stamina comes naturally. In addition, one is able to maintain great body shape and skin tone, and also it is easier to prepare and participate in physical activities such as athletics and sports (Raglin, Morgan, 1987). Personal training is also a great career and the personal trainer is able to get a lot of satisfaction from helping others, avoid stress as well as anxiety (Maguire, 2000). It is also a good source of income since personal trainers can get to meet both their basic and secondary needs. Kate Williams a personal trainer working in the field of personal training was interviewed on personal training career and she reported that her job is a source of joy and happiness especially due to the effects of seeing a client achieve his/her goal, for example losing weight through exercise and achieving good physical fitness, vigor and stamina. A personal trainer enjoys a flexible schedule depending on the settings, of where they work. Usually, nights and weekend work is not common (Maguire, 2002). The interviewee noted that, her busiest hours are from 15 hours to 20 hours although some clients are happy with morning workouts as well as early after noon workouts. The interviewee further noted that, she has four morning sessions every week. She has only one session on Saturday and two sessions on Sunday, but all the other days of the week are usually busy for her. Her schedule is typical to common jobs of personal trainers and their fore the schedule should be viewed as standard representation of personal trainers timetable. Some personal trainers’ schedules are subject to availability of clients. Other trainers work in hotel gyms where they attend to guests and clients who may come at will and therefore they are always available to attend to the clients regardless of their schedules.. There are personal trainers who work for individuals and their working hours are fewer. The interviewee was of the opinion that, many people should develop interest in personal training career so as to have more people reached out to something that likely to lead to a health and stress free nation. Schools. Personal trainers are required to be certified in personal training aerobics, weight training and other forms of physical training (Johnsgard, 1989). Becoming a personal trainer can be realized by attending training in several institutions that offer this training. There are different courses such as Bachelor’s degrees in exercise science and physical education. There are also certificates offered in colleges and fitness institutes in America. Every state in America has several institutions that offer personal training. Some of these institutions include: – †¢ FITA fitness, Inc. New port Beach. †¢ Bryan college- Sacramental/ Gold diver. †¢ Heritage college-Personal training- Denver †¢ Heritage institute – personal training- Fort Myers. †¢ Florida college natural health. †¢ CNI’s California personal fitness training school. †¢ National personal training institute. All the above-mentioned institutions offer quite recommendable personal training programs, which have been of much help to those interested in personal training and have recorded high customer satisfaction levels. The interviewee recalled one of her clients reported that he had lost quite a recommendable amount of body weight, and that the programs had been a great one for him. These institutions also expose their clients to career opportunities of becoming personal fitness trainers by providing the required and relevant education that may result to certificate or degree award. They employ an approach which is skill based something which helps the graduates to secure jobs in areas like healthcare, massage as well as in technical fields. The interviewee reported that personal training institutions were voted the best in the way they operated and in how they met the goals of their clients. The struggle to have and maintain all the essential facilities that are required for body building exercises and hire the best and qualified personal trainers. Like any other career, personal training provides a source of income to its’ beneficiaries specifically the personal trainers. Agreement on payment basis is made between the personal trainers and the organizations for example, they may agree that the personal trainers be paid on monthly basis may be an approximate amount of $2,500 a month. In other institutions, payment may be done on daily basis, according to the number of clients who have turned up for the training. In addition, payment rates range on client status, for example students may be allowed to pay a little amount than the staff members, and guests. This can be demonstrated in the table 1. 1below: Personal fitness training package rates. Number or session Rate per student Staff, Guest (per person) 1 $25 $35 2 $60 $90 5 $95 $125 10 $120 $200 Source: Personal interview. Conclusion Personal training is an interesting career that offers a very good working environment as well as returns. Personal trainers are able to avoid stress and anxiety and usually live relaxed lives due to regular exercises and they are usually physically fit. In addition, personal training is a well paying career and this is a key motivator those interested in that career path. How to cite Personal training, Papers

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